
Calculating your nutrition

There are a lot of ways to slice this pie

There are a TON of opinions on how to calculate your nutrition, and not necessarily one exact right method. Find what works for you, but here's a really good place to start. This also fits the way the macro calculator works.

I'll cover a few different approaches.

Protein First

The way I calculate protein is the same across all of the following methods. Let's cover that first.

I’ve found that .9-1.3g/lb BW works best or most girls, whether in a cut, maintenance, or build.

Keep in mind, higher protein can help with mood, increases satiety, and compliance, muscle retention, and some research shows a reduced feeling of fatigue. 

Method 1: Protein & Calories

The simple approach… just protein and calories 

What are the pros and cons?  

Pros - simple, and many love the flexibility
Cons - may be too flexible for those who struggle with self restraint

Who is this good for?

Great fat loss or maintenance

How to calculate it?

‍First find your maintenance, and decide how aggressive you want to be with you cut or build.

Fat loss- the sweet spot for most individuals with fat loss is 300-500 calories. Choose how aggressive you want to be, then calculate your protein. .9-1.3g/lb BW. 

Method 2: Traditional, same macros daily

What are the pros and cons?

Pros - have set macros to shoot for every day, you know where your fats and carbs will need to be. 

Cons- a little more rigid and structured

Who is this good for?

People who like structure and accuracy. People that prefer predictable targets to shoot for and can quickly get into a food routine.

How to calculate it?

Whether it's high carb or low carb, matters less than just being consistent. You can choose whether to have higher carbs or higher fats. Use the macro calculator to fix the protein anywhere from .9-1.3g/lb BW, and then play around with either carbs or fats, whichever you’ll feel you can be more consistent with. 

Method 3: Training Days vs Off Days

Higher carbs/lower fats on training days. Lower carbs/higher fats on off days.

What are the pros and cons?

Pros - Some really enjoy having really high carbs some days, and the next having really high fats. They feel like they get a bit more of the structure of exact macros to shoot for, as well as the flexibility that they can enjoy both high carb foods one day, and high fat foods on off days. 

When you are in a build and eating more, carbs can be inflammatory foods. So there are pros to using them for building muscle on lifting days, and then on rest days going to higher fatty foods which are anti-inflammatory. Your gut and body will thank you. 

Cons - your macros change on training days vs off days. That can feel like a lot more work to newer trackers. 

Who is this good for?

Great for those tracking around maintenance, or who are doing more of a body recomp or build phase. 

How to calculate it?

‍Using the macro calculator, choose where you want your protein first, .9-1.3g/lb BW. Next, use the calculator to adjust the fats down and the carbs up within the allotted calories you want for a cut, maintenance, or build. That will be your training day numbers. Then do the same thing but choose higher fats and lower carbs. That will be your off day.