
App Guide: Getting Started

This guide should take you through the layers of the app so you don't get lost.

If you were not on the early bird list, you wont be able to sign up and get access yet. Subscribe to my instagram notifications to find out when I launch public access.

Join a group

When you first log in you won't see much and the first thing you'll want to do is join a group, based on your goal.

What's your goal?

There are a few different groups to match your goals. And different plans inside each group to match your experience level.

See the image here to reference how to join a group.

🔥 Fat Loss & Body Recomp

If you want to either focus on dropping body fat or "toning up" to just feel good and fit in your clothes better. If you join this group, you'll calculate your nutrition to be in a deficit, start with a light deficit, then slowly increase the deficit to be more aggressive over time. More educational material to come on this in the future.

💪 Building Lifting Ladies

Looking to get serious about building either strength, or muscle size or a little of both. These programs are geared towards building. I suggest you calculate your macros to be in a surplus to fuel your growth in muscle and strength. More to come on this in the future.

Calculating your Nutrition

After joining your group, you'll want to go to the resources section of your group, and access the Macro Calculator. Here I'll show you where to find the macro calculator.

Read more detail on using the macro calculator over here.

How to find the Macro Calculator

The calculator is not meant to just pump out the exact targets for you. I want you to learn how to set your targets and why you are setting your macronutrient goals. Visit the calculating your nutrition resource to start learning how to do the calculations and what considerations to make as you do.

I made a guide to the training interface in the app. All the important aspects to get to know. You'll need to understand them while you're executing on your program.

Right now this PDF has the most important terms. You can download it for offline viewing if you need.

Understanding App Layout PDF